Report an issue at any time using our online work order request.
For emergencies, please call Campus Police at 609-771-2345.
For more information or support, please select from the dropdown list below.
Building Services / Mail and Receiving Services
Event Scheduling: Heating and Cooling Request
- If you have an event that requires heating or cooling, please call the Customer Support Center at 609-771-2353. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm.Please have the following information available:
- Name of requester
- Name of event
- Building
- Room Number(s)
- Time Duration (i.e. starting time/ending time)
Grounds and Landscape Services
Environmental Health and Safety Services
- Complete list of Occupational Safety Services
- Complete list of Environmental Safety Services
- Complete list of Lab Safety Services
- Right to Know
- Recycling Information
- Indoor Air Quality Complaints
- Report a safety compliance (non-security) concern
- If you have any questions or concerns regarding safety compliance, please contact the Occupational Safety Manager at 609-771-2881.
- Emergencies or security issues are to be reported immediately to Campus Police Services at 609-771-2345. Emergencies can also be reported by dialing 911 from any hard-wired campus phone.
- Report an environmental compliance concern
- Should you have any environmental concerns, problems, or questions, please contact Amanda Radosti at extension 2881 or For any type of environmental emergency, please contact Campus Police at extension 2345 or (609)771-2345.
- To request a fire extinguisher for an event, to report one that is missing, or to report an extinguisher in need of service, please submit a work order request.
- How to get a barbecue, tent, firework, open burning permit, or a candle waiver? Please review the following section: Fire Safety Permits and Approvals (Event Planning)